Lights, Camera, Action! Hepatitis Research Team on TV

MedStar Clinical Research Center’s Hepatitis Team at MedStar Washington Hospital Center cannot get enough press this month! The team, featured in our May issue of HR News, was also featured in a WUSA 9 story encouraging patients to get tested for Hepatitis C—as May is Hepatitis Awareness Month.

In this video (link also below), the research team at MedStar Washington Hospital Center offers free testing and points out that this “silent epidemic” means up to 75% of people don’t know they are infected. 

Dr. Dawn Fishbein established the Hepatitis C testing and linkage program in December of 2012 within the Primary Care Clinic at MedStar Washington Hospital Center. Since that date, they have tested nearly 1500 people with an 8.4% positive rate.

The team now runs three Hepatitis C related projects: two grants focused on testing and linkage to care, and one clinical trial for patients co-infected with HIV and Hepatitis C.  Since 2012, they have presented their work at two major conferences (AASLD 2013, CROI 2014), and were awarded the highest scoring abstract in the research area of combined medical specialties at the 3rd annual MedStar Health Research Symposium.

On May 19th, National Hepatits Testing Day, MedStar Washington Hospital and MedStar Health Research Institute’s HCV (Hepatitis C virus) Linkage to Care Navigation program provided FREE testing to adults who were interested in being tested for HCV.

See their TV debut below!


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