Georgetown-MedStar Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) meet in Annapolis

Approximately four years ago, lead investigators from across the MedStar and Georgetown community came together to learn more about each others' area of research and to explore collaborative potential.  Well, the wealth of opportunities were so great, everyone agreed we needed to 'keep this going' so the Georgetown-MedStar Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) was formed.  That initial group of about 30 investigators has grown over the years with period teleconferences, webex's and annual retreats (see prior posts at 

This year, we did a 'refresh' on what we have accomplished and where we want to go. After watching a video by DeWitt Jones (a national geographic photographer) entitled "Celebrate What's Right with the World ( we got down to work on identifying specific area that we need to work on to benefit the entire MedStar-Georgetown research community.

 From the flip chart notes below, you can see four broad areas the SAB identified and agreed to work on over the next 6-12 months.

 I particularly like this 'artistic' vision for the future (special thanks to Dr. Taylor for is artistic rendition!) where the Georgetown University and MedStar Health research communities continue to work in a closer and closer fashion (and notice the sun shining over us the whole time)!


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