Research Opportunities from the City of Dreaming Spires

Old world meets new world...

This week, at the University of Oxford (the oldest English speaking university in the world which was started in the 12th century) there is a gathering of academic, industry and governmental leaders to discuss enhanced collaboration across these organizations to accelerate innovation and research.

The Oxford - UIDP summit, invited technology, research and innovation leaders from diverse fields (beyond healthcare) came together to discuss the impact of AI/Machine learning, academic-industry consortia, unique industry-academic partnerships, changing workforce needs and more. In the opening session, we heard from Sir Mark Walport (who runs the United Kingdom Research Institute) and Walk Copan, Under-secretary responsible for the U.S.'s National Institute of Standards and Technology. These are among the largest funders of research for England and the United States on the same stage! 


And, of course, it is Oxford so you need to take a little time and see some of the historic sites such as the pictures below from Bodleian Library, the main library of the University of Oxford and one of the oldest libraries in the world.

It was exciting to take part in this summit and I was proud that I could represent MedStar and Georgetown at this prestigious event.


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