Connecting & Sharing via Technology

As times continue to change, we are continuing to evolve how we respond to them.

Last week, MHRI hosted our first virtual town hall for associates. This was a new experience for us as a team, but it was a great chance to expand our connections during this hectic time. We did keep some things the same as our in-person meetings, including using a polling tool to get audience responses and answer questions.

The first question we asked made use of the technology at hand and allowed us to understand the "feel of the room" without us all being in the room.

It's times like these that remind us to connect with each other. While most are feeling anxious, it was heartening to see submissions of 'hopeful', 'proud', 'fortunate' and grateful' coming from our associates.  We all live with mixed emotions but recognizing all the great work going on every day helps balance things out and allows us, together, to get through this pandemic and emerge stronger.  Stay safe everyone!


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