Introducing MedStar Research A.I.D.E

Back in June, I hosted a series of conversations, open to all associates, to understand how we can address the impact of racial discrimination.  A group of MHRI associates responded to the reckoning of social injustices happening across the nation with action and launched a working committee to develop actions to match our words.
The MedStar Research A.I.D.E work group focuses on Anti-racism, Inclusion, Diversity and Equity initiatives at MHRI. I am proud of these associates for stepping up to help MHRI be a leader for how we can make tangible change.

Over the next few weeks, I'll be sharing guest posts from the founding members of AIDE , highlighting what the group will be working on in the future and what it means to them.

If you want to learn more about the group, or share your thoughts & ideas, or participate, you can reach them at


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