MedStar Health Joins Truveta, a Technology Platform, in Turning Data into Knowledge and Saving Lives

Medstar Health is proud to announce that we have joined with 16 other healthcare systems as members of Truveta, a company with a vision of Saving Lives with Data. Founded by the member healthcare systems, the Truveta platform will bring clinical data from across the country to advance patient care and accelerate development of new therapies through research.

Truveta will include data representing more than 15 percent of U.S. patient care with even greater racial and ethnic diversity. “With our mission to promote learning, discovery and innovation, we believe insights from Truveta can help providers learn more and have better informed conversations about inequities and health outcomes to make progress on this important topic,” said Kenneth Samet, president and CEO of MedStar Health. 
I am excited that MedStar Health is partnering with Truveta.  Big data analytics will be a key driver of academic health systems' ability to ask and answer critically important questions quickly and with greater accuracy.  
Please visit the Truveta website to learn more about this exciting partnership.


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