Holiday Treats with the MedStar Health Human Factors Team

Guest Bloggers:
Raj Ratwani, PhD
Vice President of Scientific Affairs, MedStar Health Research Institute
, MedStar Health National Center for Human Factors in Healthcare
Associate Professor
, Georgetown University School of Medicine

Tracy Kim
Research and Program Coordinator
, National Center for Human Factors in Healthcare 

During this time of physical distancing, some of us have found innovative ways to connect with each other. MedStar Health’s National Center for Human Factors in Healthcare team has always had an annual, in-person, holiday treat “bake-off". Each team member would create their favorite treat from whatever holiday they celebrate at this time of year and the team would share the treats and accompanying stories as part of a friendly competition and social gathering. It has been a great way to celebrate together. This year has required something different! 

Since in-person sharing was not possible the team created an electronic holiday treat cookbook called, “Holiday Cookie Bake-Off: The Cookbook Edition”. Team members submitted their favorite recipe and an electronic cookbook was created and emailed to each team member so they could still enjoy each other’s treats. This was such a fun (and inexpensive) way to get everyone involved and created a different way to share holiday stories and traditions as we embrace the holiday season, even during a pandemic.

Get the cookbook here (google drive).

Happy Holidays!
Tracy Kim, Raj Ratwani, and the HF Team


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